Monday, 24 December 2012

la nostra "ricetta" per un Natale felice - our "recipe" for a Merry Christmas

Per prima cosa, cercate dentro voi stessi la "ricetta" che abbia i giusti "ingredienti" che danno un significato vero al vostro Natale.

First of all, search the "recipe" inside yourself that has the right ingredients for a meaningful Christmas.

Una volta identificati, si comincia a mettergli insieme...
Once you find them, start adding them up

ALLEGRIA a volontà
CHEERFULNESS to your heart's content

Mescolatela insieme alla CONDIVISIONE
Mix together with some SHARING

Mettete sopra la vostra RIFLESSIONE
Put some CONSIDERATION on top of it

Stendetela bene insieme alla vostra FEDE
Apply your FAITH to it

Aggiungete un pizzico di SPONTANEITA'

E unitela alla SERENITA'
And combine it to SERENITY

Cospargete tutto con pò di GIOIA
Sprinkle with some JOY

Preparate a parte la PARTECIPAZIONE 
Prepare aside some INVOLVEMENT

E alla fine aggiungete l'ingrediente segreto in grande quantità: L'AMORE.
Lastly, add plenty of the secret ingredient: LOVE.

Ed ecco la nostra ricette per un Natale Felice. Qual'é la vostra ricetta invece?
So here you have our recipe for a Merry Christmas. What's yours?

Tanti auguri di un splendido Natale a tutti voi, pieno di gioia, amore e pace!
We wish you all a very Happy Christmas, full of joy, love and peace!

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

autumn emotion

"A venit toamna, acopera-mi inima cu ceva
Cu umbra unui copac sau mai bine cu umbra ta

Mă tem că n-am să te mai văd, uneori,
că or să-mi crească aripi ascuţite până la nori,
că ai să te ascunzi într-un ochi străin,
şi el o să se-nchidă cu o frunză de pelin.

Şi-atunci mă apropii de pietre şi tac,
iau cuvintele şi le-nec în mare.
Şuier luna şi o răsar şi o prefac
într-o dragoste mare "

 Nichita Stanescu, Emotie de toamna

A trecut mai bine de o luna de cand incerc sa scriu acest post...intre timp a venit iarna dar nu am uitat acea zi minunata de Noiembrie. In timp ce ma plimbam in parc cu frumoasa Vio imi tot rasuna in minte melodia lui Nicu Alifantis pe versurile sublime ale lui Nichita ...As asculta-o iar si iar...A fost o zi de care imi voi aduce mereu aminte si sunt sigura ca si ea o va pastra in suflet, cred ca a semnat intr-un fel pasajul catre o alta etapa in drumul ei...
A fi impreuna cu o persoana cu calitati morale deosebite si plina de creativitate in acea zi superba...ce altceva as mai fi putut sa cer in acea zi? cred ca fotografiile de mai jos pot exprima acest lucru mult mai bine decat cuvintele.

The verses above belong to one of the most talented Romanian writer, Nichita Stanescu who molded words with love and tragedy. The poem is called "Autumn emotion" and it's one of my favorite love poems ever!! The song that has been created afterwards belongs to Nicu says something like this  

"Autumn came so please cover my heart with the
Tree shade—or yours so it won’t wither.
I fear that perhaps I won’t see you sometimes
That I'’ll grow sharp wings up to the skies
That you’ll hide within a foreign eye...
Which will close with a bitter good-bye.
And then I go near the rocks and shut up.
Take the words and drown them in the sea.
I whistle the moon and rise it and turn it
Into a big love."

The translation is relative and I think it can't touch your heart as the original poem in Romanian.

It has passed a month or so since I've been trying to write this post and in the meantime winter came ;o) however I didn't forget that beautiful November day, as while walking along with gorgeous Vio this song was keep coming through my head...I would listen it again and again. I'll always remember that day and I'm sure she will keep it in her heart too, I think it somehow signed a milestone in her life. She's a special girl, spontaneous and creative. The whether was amazing as you can see in my photos so I couldn't ask for more that day as you can tell from my shots below