Monday, 16 April 2012

Welcome to Bucharest

I have lived in Bucharest for a few years, however I haven't been there for a a long time. I had to stop for a day only before heading to my hometown Piatra Neamt and I've had a nice surprise discovering a city that is renewing and improving itself. I must admit though I've only seen a very small part of it, you should stay at least 3-4 days there to get a better idea of how this city is really like. The city centre is not very big so the best way to visit it is walking.

Its old neighbours like Lipscani area there's an interesting mixture of newly renovated and modern pubs & bars and the old crumbling buildings.

I was travelling with my 3 old son and being pregnant I had to carry the stroller with us...big mistake. Lots  of main crossings don't have crossovers but an underground passage that you can access only by stairs walking with no elevator or path for strollers or a total nightmare for any parent or disabled. Hope that they're working on this.

Parks are my favourite places to go when in Bucharest. There are quite a few here and they are very clean and well kept. The one we've been to this time was Cismigiu, a small but beautiful central one, just a hundred metres away from University area. Being around Easter time in April, nature was wondeful: intense green grass, blooming trees and colorful flowers as well as a traditional products show going on so we could admire interesting stuff. Also, playground there is very spacious, full of interesting games.